

Action-learning journeys (ALJs) incubate a context-informed self-organising impulse. one means by which this impulse can express itself is the docs, which each hub tends to like a digital garden1/ wiki.

the docs begins as a repository template, seeding the start of an ALJ with some preliminary pages. during the course of the onboarding period and the intensive, participants are encouraged to collectively tend to the wiki, making new entries and iterating existing ones. these docs are the most comprehensive source of content for all things relating to...

  1. communicating the essence of the place the hub is situated
  2. onboarding future stakeholders into this line of work
  3. making visible the learnings generated during the ALJ and beyond
  4. embedding data visualisations
  5. embedding videos, meeting recordings, photos
  6. communicating the value created during the ALJ: product, organisation, ecosystem

Below lists additional resources to assist with further reading:

  1. mkDocs and GitHub Pages

  1. Maggie Appleton, Digital gardening