Action learning
With these processes, prisma designs and [[Facilitation|facilitates]] a multi-stakeholder action-learning journey, grounded in partner hubs in different bioregions. Through our enrolment process, we onboard the following stakeholders into a multi-week alignment process, culminating in an intensive:
- hubs
- practice networks
- [[participants]]
- [[partners]]
The product of each action-learning journey is a [[case-study]]. These case-studies are a multi-media, multi-perspective account of the experience, that serve the purpose of offering the learnings to a broader audience: action-learning, action-learning. The content of these case-studies is produced throughout the process through a kind of participation-as-content-creation practice:
- meeting recordings
- audio recordings
- videos
- learning exercises
- documentation
- various participation signals (more to come)
Whereas a case-study focusses on a single action-learning journey, this page speaks to action-learning as an underlying pattern repeating throughout all that we're working on. Prisma as a distributed participation platform requires the capability to organise action-learning intensives and communicate this from many perspectives.
In addition to generating the above learning material, which is occurring at the participation level, there is a second order of production aims, client-facing, which exists at three levels:
- Features/ feature sets (e.g. functions/ apps)
- Organisations/ organisational forms that support the ongoing development and application of practice (e.g. classes/ DAOs, startups)
- Ecosystem shifts and pathways (namespaces/ e.g. an integrative co-design roadmap with multiple stakeholders and aligned partners at the landscape/ ecosystem level)
The core processes being worked on so far are: