ground-potentialising is the process of developing the image, and articulation, communication etc, of a future event. this can be a simple event page. this can also be a wiki detailing a methodology to be trialled, as a kind of validation or for [[developmental evaluation|developmental]] purposes. events are suitable to any communities seeking to grow capacities for [[self-organising]] in response to changing environmental conditions.
Potentialize refers to event creation, specifying the bot-array that will create the means for participation and the purposes of the different bots.
1. System Architecture Overview¶
Event Factory¶
- The event factory creates event configurations, and new event instances
- Event meta data are stored on a Prisma server, as well as on-chain
- Each event has a bot array, used for creating means for participation, defined in the event configuration
Event Instance¶
- Each event is treated as a unique ecosystem with its own data flows and interactions.
- Event Database: A dedicated database instance is created for each event, storing its specific data and managing flow.
- Communities of Place that initiate the potential for a new event will be required to have their own local server on which the event instance can be deployed
Bot Factory¶
- The central component responsible for creating bot arrays based on event configurations and templates.
Bot Arrays¶
- These are a collection of verb-based bots, tailored for specific event needs, facilitating communication, contribution tracking, and other functionalities. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Documenting
- Appreciating
- Storytelling
2. Components¶
A. Bot Factory¶
- Responsibilities:
- Create and configure bot arrays based on event-specific templates.
- Initiate and manage event-specific databases.
- Each bot is associated with both a verb-based communication channel and its own table in the event database
- Key Functions:
: Generates a new bot array and database instance for an event.createBot(type, config)
: Instantiates individual bots based on their type and configuration.
B. Event Database¶
- Structure:
- Each event database contains tables specific to that event, such as:
- Bots Table: Stores bot configurations and metadata.
- Contributions Table: Tracks user contributions and interactions.
- Events Table: Records event details and lifecycle stages.
- Dynamic Creation: Databases are created dynamically upon event initiation using APIs from the database service.
C. Bots¶
- Types of Bots:
- Documentation Bot: Facilitates documentation creation and management.
- Contribution Bot: Tracks and records contributions from participants.
- Recognition Bot: Acknowledges valuable contributions made by users.
- Key Functions:
- Each bot interacts with its event-specific database to manage data flows relevant to its functionality.
- Bots are designed to listen for real-time updates and respond accordingly.
3. Processes¶
A. Event Setup Process¶
Event Configuration:
Define event parameters and requirements (e.g., types of interactions, expected outcomes).
Database and Bot Initialization:
Trigger the Bot Factory to create a new event database and corresponding bot array.
Each bot in the array is instantiated and configured based on the event configuration.
Deploy Bot Array:
Deploy the bot array to the event's communication space (e.g., Telegram group).
B. Data Flow Management¶
Data Collection:
As participants interact with bots, data is collected and stored in the event-specific database.
Bots handle user inputs, contributions, and other interactions in real-time.
Real-Time Updates:
Implement real-time event-driven processing, allowing bots to respond to new data or interactions immediately.
Data Evaluation:
Analyze data flows and interactions to gauge event engagement and performance.
- Bots may generate reports or analytics based on the data collected during the event.