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developers are agents of transformation, transforming creative potential into code.

developers are sovereign, their agency and ability to discern being absolutely essential for the Action-learning journeys to be able to reach a functional end.

developers are (sometimes) inspired by a context that aligns with their purpose, meaning, for a system they care about to be able to evolve to a higher order of capability.

this alignment and care is the prerequisite for effective communication across the various different capacities present in a [[cohort]] - artists, engineers, community leaders, farmers, cooks, and guests, to name just a few. each capacity has an essential role to play in making visible the ways in which a system is trying to evolve, and how the cohort can effectively organise itself in support of that. communication is like water: no hydration, and the creative potential of the collective will quickly dry out.

it is crucial that developers appreciate their relationship with the character and potential of the context in which the ALJ is being hosted. the hubs play an important role in helping develop those relationships, creating spaces in which local stakeholders can illuminate the locality's systems and particularities.

at the same time, developers are required to think functionally in order to implement a given ALJ's product requirements with technical rigour. functional thinking can sometimes seem at odds with the uncertainties inherent in group collaboration. growing a social bandwidth is an experience in itself.

the purpose of participating in an action-learning journey as a developer is to instrument1 the development of systems-evolution practices that are uniquely informed by the context of the place in which the action-learning journey is hosted.


developers are encouraged to reflect frequently on their experience of the process, noting insights into how their perspective on personal and collective dynamics is changing and why, what patterns are apprehensible and what meaning can be made of them. Action-learning journeys are a collaboration intensive, generating many opportunities for experimentation, growth, play and learning. the list of examples below is non-exhaustive.

  1. Learning
    1. identifying a group learning opportunity, then designing, organising and facilitating a workshop
    2. integrating learnings from workshops and other forms of group learning into the group's practices
  2. Leadership
    1. identifying when a given context calls for a kind of leadership that you would like to offer, and bringing your best self into that moment
    2. developing in yourself the ability to highlight the strengths of another and guide others through their doubts
  3. Self-management
    1. maintaining accountability, both for yourself and beyond (group, project, event)
    2. maintaining focus, mitigating risk of distractions, and keeping a clear vision on what's needed for success
  4. Hacking
    1. locking in
  5. Communication
    1. listening
    2. translating a given concept or system to stakeholders that aren't yet well-versed in that area
    3. engaging stakeholders in the value of the product being developed, both in terms of narrative and through demonstration
  6. Venture
    1. creating the conditions for the continuity of a given line of work
    2. creating the space for organisation to form
    3. evolving organisational form in response to changing environmental conditions, finding its niche in which its contributions are valued



Functional Capabilities

the extensive onboarding process leading up to an ALJ is the window of time in which the functional capabilities needed for an effective intensive can be developed.

  1. Access to dedicated communication space (telegram)
  2. Calendar and call scheduling setup (
  3. Access to ALJ repos: code and docs (
  4. Introductory call with local hub and relevant stakeholders
  5. enrolment into the onboarding call series and associated learning exercises
  6. Developer self-assessment of context understanding, potential, and their relevant developer capacities
    1. Requires engagement with hub and/ or potential users
    2. Requires self-awareness of their context-informed role
    3. Requires communication and cultivation of mutual interest among the cohort
  7. Confirm attendance, duration, participation requirements and health preferences
  8. Initiation into participation-as-content-creation practice

  1. Instrumenting is developing tooling and teams as means to reaching a given systems-evolution end.