
it's important to remember when reading the page for practice networks that a high proportion of the thinking behind how this project has originated comes from co-designing with Regenesis.

implicit within much of the designing described in practice networks is that this is tailored to and in service of the regenesis story of place program, set to launch in fall 2025. the Action-learning journeys referred to in practice networks as general events are in fact, in the Regenesis context, a carefully considered meeting of two worlds at a precisely timed moment within a larger evolutionary trajectory.


this meeting of two worlds - on the one hand, regenerative practice, and, on the other, software development - begins with the premise that in order for the quality of each practitioner-group's work to be justly reflected in a case study, on a digital platform, the software development cannot take place as a process entirely dissociated from the context of the work itself.

more broadly, that it's unlikely to be able to reflect "the difference that makes the difference" of the approach of regenerative development and design, by utilising existing, often purely functional, software tooling. there is a need for a community publishing platform built from living systems principles.


thus, the creative tension was introduced: how to reconcile the need to serve a globally distributed community of practice in communicating their work, where each practitioner is working to realise place-sourced potential in their own context, in their own way, without flattening, reducing, or homogenising the communication process, results, and effects? thus, a process design collective is forming in response to this inquiry.