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The purpose of this page is to assist with starting to write to the prisma docs. Care will be given to account for some different starting positions. In short, this is an onboarding/ orientation process.

  1. Onboarding for the first time. This is your first time in this context and you want to make your first commit.
  2. Already onboarded, but you find yourself in a strange and unfamiliar state.
  3. You've maxed out the basics and you want to take your publishing to the next level.

To keep things succinct, we'll call these different paths arriving, re-orienting, and levelling up, respectively.


If you'd like to write to the docs, we have adopted obsidian as a client interface. Cloning the repository will pull an obsidian workspace file that includes an


Although being a competent collaborator, there are always edge-cases. Some possible strange places you might find yourself in are:

Levelling Up

Some things you might be considering at this stage are:

  • We're relatively up-to-speed on the publishing concept and process. Now we see that features are missing.
    • How can I present real-time data in the docs? [^1]
    • I want to write code, not just markdown. Where do I begin?
    • How can I modify the look and feel of the site as a whole?
  • Tech support overhead is growing. How can we make collaborative writing more reliable?
  • What's the role of publishing and the docs repo in the context of an ALJ and/ or prisma?