what is the potential of unfolding the potential of a place through its community of practice?
each community has to ask itself some questions, such as (borrowed from the Regenesis Framework) 1. What is the inherent potential of this place? 2. How can we be of service to it? 3. What is this place asking of its community (to become more of itself?)?
These are at the heart of every community.
These three steps allow us to see the essence of community and place, and consequently the design of the Action-learning journeys and evaluation protocols that gauge the impact contextually.
- Essence of Place<//>Community: All sorts of knowledge lie within
Who are the main caretakers of the community?
- Once they are acknowledged, especially the history of the community, its elders and current young leaders
- Bring in conversation around fireplace to create a timeline (process infrastructuring) of the most important events that have shaped that community. For ex:
- When was it settled?
- How was is settled?
- Who took care of it?
- How did people start living there?
- Migration? Crisis?
- What are the old structures or ways that are not serving this place anymore?
- Towards what direction are the seeds of the emergent future coming into being?
Organising to be of Service to this Essence: What is the right means for assembling this particular cohort of players?
- What are the individual and collective strategies we need to design?
- What are the reference points that demonstrate that the future is being anchored to the present moment? (walking the right path)
How do we Learn through Time: The learning process must be fed and sustained, so it learns and evolves and become more of itself.
- What would it take to learn through time?
- What would it take to assess that the work being done has a positive impact on place and community?
- How do we measure 'progress'? How do we understand sustainability and evolution?
What are the communities of practice patterns that we can observe? What do these patterns say about the process? How do these patterns speak to the ecosystem? What can they show us?